I have installed Oracle which comes with an Apache server. Now I have it disabled so that I can use my old Apache server that I had installed a while ago. I am trying to use LWP::Simple which I intalled too a while ago, but it is giving me the following error message. Any idea how to restore the old @INC?

Can't locate LWP/Simple.pm in @INC (@INC contains: C:\oracle\ora90\Apache\Perl\5.00503\lib/MSWin32-x86 C:\oracle\ora90\Apache\Perl\5.00503\lib C:\oracle\ora90\Apache\Perl\site\5.00503\lib/MSWin32-x86 C:\oracle\ora90\Apache\Perl\site\5.00503\lib .) at c:\apache\cgi-bin\TESTAC~1.PL line 6.


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