On Tue, 2004-07-06 at 14:41, Wiggins d Anconia wrote:
> 'direct' is slightly different, I am not sure there is a way to do this
> in the options to G::I, but should instead be done directly to your
> handles, I am also not sure of a way to specify non-buffered during
> handle instantiation. You can call 'autoflush' on each of the handles
> with a true argument, for instance,
> foreach my $handle ( $input, $output, $error, $passphrase_fh, $status_fh ) {
>   $handle->autoflush(1);
> }
> Should do the trick with the handles you created.  You may need to call
> it on $cipherfile as well. 

I set autoflush to true on all of the filehandles but it is still
hanging. Do you still have any of the code you had written for testing
GnuPG::Interface in the past? I would be interested to see exactly how
you did it that it worked for you. 

Thanks for all the help.

Joshua Colson

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