I know this may sound crazy (I have asked crazy question before here so I hope this 
doesn't get me banned!!) but I have this client who receives automated reports from me 
every day from a PERL script. The script comes in a .csv format (changed from .txt 
format) and now they are asking me if I can send it in Excel format.
The reason? I had a problem with the server that runs the script, so I used an 
application to query the database and retrieve the data and it just so happens that 
the app. exports the data into Excel, whereas my script doesn't. Now they want it in 
Excel (i guess the few conversion steps cost them too much to hire some one who knows 
Excel other than "save" , "delete", "open", "exit"!!!!). 
So can Perl save me a mouthful of curse words by doing this "SMALL" task?
Humbly at your mercy,

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