shashideep nuggehalli wrote:

Thank you for ur concern . Btw , I do not really appreciate the use of
the term  "sucker" and I am not sure if such language could be used in
public mailing lists with out understanding the proper reasons for the

I simply agreed with the other poster as pasted below.  Take it or leave it.

This is turning into a flame so I'll end is now.


n Sun, 11 Jul 2004 12:54:30 -0600, u235sentinel

I agree.  If they are a competent company then shallow knowledge of Perl
will get him nowhere.  I've been studying for almost a year and have
written basic code (IMO) to accomplish a few things.  In a recent
interview I was asked about my Perl knowledge.  They had a couple of
basic questions which were fairly easy to answer.  Fortunately for me,
they aren't looking for a Perl hot shot :-)

To start learning Perl, Check out the Oreilly books.  I strongly
recommend "Learning Perl 3rd Edition" and perhaps "Perl for Dummies".
Don't fake it or you will be caught.   Be honest.  It can come back to
bite you otherwise in the future.  I know.  I caught one sucker recently
who isn't competent (I'm being kind btw).  Needless to say he didn't
make it.

Jenda Krynicky wrote:

From: shashideep nuggehalli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello everybody,
    My name is Shashideep. I am new member of the group. I have been
learning PERL for the last few days. I want to be good enough to take
up interviews .


I would be grateful if somebody could direct me to any
site which would give me an idea of what type of questions can be
expected while applying for PERL related jobs.

You should learn Perl so that you are able to program in the language
effectively, not just so you can fake the knowledge in an interview.

Though ... if they are so easily deceived they deserve what they get.

P.S.: I probably should not tell you, but it's either Perl (the
language) or perl (the interpreter), but never PERL.

P.P.S.: In the unlikely case you do want to learn something you might
as well start with the "art" of using mailing lists. Lesson 1, use
meaningfull subjects:

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