sub data_collect {unless (open(OUTFILE,">$fourdayreport"))

{die open(ERRORLOG, ">>$errorlog") &&

print ERRORLOG "Sorry file $dayreport couldn't be created\n"; return


         while( @record = $sth->fetchrow_array() )
# no warnings;

#::::::::::::INSERTED :::::::
#Since you are not doing anything with $recordlist, I will do one of the
print OUTFILE join(",",@record), "\n";

for ( my $i = 0; $i < $#record; $i++) {
      ( $i < $#record ) ? print "$record[$i]," : print "$record[$i]\n";

#::::::::::::::::::INSTEAD OF :::::::::::::
 my $recordlist=join(",",@record);

 print OUTFILE "$recordlist\n";

       }return "success";



William Ampeh (x3939)
Federal Reserve Board

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