>> >I need to telnet some hosts automatically without supplying password.
>> >I can do it with Expect but I hardly know the language.
>> >I wonder what you think of the Perl module Expect - if it's any good and
>> >easy to use.
>> >Also if you can think of another way to do the job this will also be

I've used expect before- i don't have the script with me :/

I'll try to dig it up... 

Also, using Net::Telnet can work... it's a little more complex,
but feels more like Perl :) well, it /is/ Perl... *laugh*

if you use expect then here is one way to do it :

        open (IN, "$expect_script |");#pipe the output of the expect script
                                                #to a filehandle

        while (<IN>){
                manipulate data
you can't do much to manipulate the expect script here, but it lets you grab
the results.

If you want a Perlish way to login outomatically, look at the Perl expect
module (i haven't - and i understand it's a bit complicated) or look at
Net::Telnet.  I recommend the latter.  It may be complex, but the
documentation is fairly complete.  It will take practice getting used to it.




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