Sunish Kapoor wrote:
Still cant figure out..and make it work..

These are my suggested changes:

$hash{$fields[1]}= [$fields[0],$fields[2],$fields[3],$fields[4],$fields[5],$fields[6],$fields[7],$fields[8],$fields[9]] if ($fields[10] == "$epoch" ) ;

Replace that line with:

    push @{ $hash{$fields[1]} }, [ @fields[0,2..9] ]
      if $fields[10] == $epoch;

Then you need an inner foreach loop inside the current foreach loop in the mail_report() function.

foreach my $key (keys %hash) {

foreach my $line ( 0 .. $#{ $hash{$key} } ) { # inner loop begins

open (MAIL, "|$sendmail -t");
print MAIL "Return-Path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]";
print MAIL "To: <$hash{$key}[0]>\n";

Change that line to:

    print MAIL "To: <$hash{$key}[$line][0]>\n";



Change that line to:



(Similar changes to all those lines.)

    } # inner loop ends


That's it.

%hash is now a hash of arrays of arrays ( previously it was a 'simple' hash of arrays ;-) ). Start learning about Perl data structures at

There is a lot more to say about your script, but I stop here for now.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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