On Tue, 2004-07-20 at 15:42, Baskaran wrote:
> Dear sir,
> I have two array variables. I want to find $a[1] and replace $b[1] in a
> file.
> ($a[1],$b[1] are array variables)
> How to find and replace the variable contents.
> for ($i=0;$i<$totalnum;$i++){
> s/$a[i]/$b[i]/g;
> }

You have almost got it


# These  are your  arrays

my @a = ( .... );
my @b = ( .... );

my $filecontent;
         $filecontent = <IN>;
         close IN;
} else { 
    die "error opening file $!";

# Now do the substitue
for ($i=0;$i<@a;$i++){
  $filecontent =~ s/$a[i]/$b[i]/g;

# Write back to file
open(OUT,">FILENAME") || die "blah";
print OUT $filecontent;
close OUT;




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