This one baffles me:

> print "<p>$listfn, I guess we got here.</p>\n";
> # write additions to their file
> open(LISTFILE, ">>$listfn") || print "<p class=error>$listfn could not be
> written: $!\n";
> print LISTFILE join("\n", @newlist, "");
> close(LISTFILE);
> print "<p>Here too?</p>\n";
This is part of a CGI script that Iıve written.  It prints the first ³...we
got here², but doesnıt get past the ³open² statement, and it doesnıt print
the ³could not be written² message.

Typical value of $listfn:  ./lists/123.456.789.123-38267

The script resides in /cgi-bin, and thereıs a folder /cgi-bin/lists with
permissions 777 (Iıve tried other permissions w/o success).  It just doesnıt
want to create a file within that folder.

Any ideas why?

Thanks in advance!  You all are great!

- Bryan

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