I have a the query below that I am reading from a file and placing in the $sql 
i.e. [snipet]---reads any query in a file to the variable $sql
if (open(FOURDAYQ, $fourdayquery)){
 while (<FOURDAYQ>){
 return "@myquery";
else {
 die open(ERRORLOG, ">>$errorlog") && print ERRORLOG "\n$process_date\nQuery is not 
available\n"; return 0;}
When I get the query into the variable, I try to prepare it using 
It is failing and I am not sure why. When I place the query into the variable by 
assignment it works. As long as i first assign the variable, then all is good. 
i.e. $sql = qq(select p.ban "BAN",
       (s.subscriber_no) "Ported Number",
  n.last_business_name "CONSUMERLNAME",
    n.first_name "CONSUMERFNAME",
    c.carrier_name "Service Provider",
    p.sys_creation_date "Initiation Date of the Request"

 I would like to have a [erl script that will read any SQL query from a file given to 
it and then run the query from within the perl script. Any ideas?

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