On Jul 30, Brian Volk said:

>I using IO::Tee and I think I'm getting close.  The output is being sent to
>the screen and the phyical output file is being created... but I'm not sure
>how to send the @ARGV to the output.txt file as well.

You're not printing the right stuff!

>my $tee = IO::Tee->new( ">>C:/perl/bin/output/test.txt", \*STDOUT );

When you print to $tee, it will go to both of those places.

>while (<>) {
>             print "$ARGV $1\n"
>             and print $tee "\n"

You're not doing it properly above.  You should have written

  print $tee "$ARGV $1\n"

>             and close(ARGV) and next
>            if /$RE{URI}{HTTP}{-keep}/;
>           }

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