A little merging of this new sample file and my whole file and it works like a charm! Thank you all for teaching me some new tricks. I'm happier with perl now. :) Special thanks to Charles.


Tim McGeary
Senior Library Systems Specialist
Lehigh University

Charles K. Clarkson wrote:
From: Tim McGeary <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: I don't get any errors either with the sample.pl and
: sample files. So I wonder if the data is bad in the
: middle of the file. I guess that has to be it since
: I get the errors with sample.pl and the full data file.
: : What is the best way to redirect that bad data to a
: different file or array?

    The @fund_array array doesn't contain information
about the raw data used to create it. For that reason,
it would be difficult to report the raw data while
manipulating @fund_array without changing its structure.

    Here's a rewrite of sample.pl. It does the same
thing you were doing without the arrays. It is not
exactly the same output. I left the trailing pipe off
the end of each record. It is uncommon for it to be

    You should be able to find the line number of
sample.txt from the uninitialized error you are
receiving. I unsuccessfully tried to reproduce your
error by corrupting the data myself. Let us know if
you find the error in your data.


Charles K. Clarkson

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