Hello ,

I have a transferred a file from an IBM mainframe to a windows platform that
I need to analyse. The file contains an 8 byte floating point hexadecimal
representaion 44FE880000000000.

This should be converted to the number 65160.

I created the following subroutine which works ok but it does alot
of work. Is there something more efficient ?

 # first byte (value-40) - get exponent base 16;
 # next 7 bytes (sum for each bit) - (1/2)** exponential for each bit
 # result = sum of all bits * (16 ** exponent)

sub floatmvs {
 my $mat=0;
 my $firstbyte = unpack "H2", $_[0];
 my $exp=$firstbyte-40;  # base 16
 my $bin=unpack('B*',substr($_[0],1,7));
   for ($start=0; $start <56; $start+=1) {
        if ($bit == 1) {
   my $num=$mat*(16**$exp);
   return $num;

                        Thanks Mark

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