Dave Kettmann wrote:
Ok ... I'm going to try to confuse everyone again because either a) I'm dense or b) 
I'm asking the wrong question. Everyone can agree with option a, and I will not get 
mad :). Ok .. here goes again...

I looked at s2p and it spit out 2 pages of perl code of which the sed command was a 
small bit of code. It is nothing major that I want to do an example is below:

I want this ...:

Aug 23 14:28:32 Auth.notice: (Access-Request 166 "000611-011c0c"): Login 
OK [000611-011c0c]

To be this ...:
Aug 23 14:25:32 (Access-Request 166 "000611-011c0c"): Login OK

Or to make it easier, I want to take out the 'Auth.notice: '

s/Auth.notice: //;

and anything encased in []'s.


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