On 8/26/2004 11:39 PM, Chris Devers wrote:

On Thu, 26 Aug 2004, Joe Echavarria wrote:

Trying with "/usr/sfw/bin/ncftpget" to get
ftp.perl.org: unknown host.
ncftpget: cannot open ftp.perl.org: unknown host.

Can you ping this host? Can you FTP to it?

It sounds like this machine is either unconnected from the Internet or maybe it doesn't have working DNS or something.

In any case, it sounds like a general network failure that is happening deeper down in the system than Perl / CPAN.pm is working at. You need to figure out what is up with this machine's network connection, and make sure that you can interact with remote FTP servers, before you'll be able to get anywhere with the CPAN shell.

Also, If your behind a firewall, read the special instructions in `perldoc CPAN.pm` in the section "WORKING WITH CPAN.pm BEHIND FIREWALLS".

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