On Aug 31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

>Well if all you want to do is count the number of lines in the file then
>zero out the file, the easiest way that I can think of would be to use a
>couple of system calls like this.

No, there is no reason to make any system calls at all.

  open FILE, "< $file" or die "can't read $file: $!";
  1 while <FILE>;
  my $lines = $.;
  close FILE;

That's one of a couple ways to do it.

The code you've posted has NUMEROUS errors.

>$logfile = myfile.txt;

You should have quoted that.

>$numlines = system(`cat $logfile |wc -l`)|| die "Cannot get number of

That doesn't work at all.  You've combined system() with ``, and on top of
that, you're using || with system(), which is the wrong logical operator
to use.

  chomp(my $lines = `cat $logfile | wc -l`);

That works, but it's still more work that it's worth.  You can't use
system() for this task, because it does NOT return the output of the
command to you.

>system(`cp /dev/null $logfile`) || die "Cannot zero load file\n";

Again, same errors.  And when you DO use system(), you want to use &&
instead of ||:

  system("some system command") && die "system failed: $!";

or else

  system("some system command") == 0 || die "system failed: $!";

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