
I call my script with the following line
$ ./count.pl /var/log/file text
this works fine but sometimes the "text" is "foo(bar)" and then my scripts gives an error.
syntax error near unexpected token `foo(b'

Could somebody give me a hint?
I'm working on linux

My script

use strict;    # Always use strict
use warnings;  # Very helpful, especially if you are new to Perl

die "No argument\n" if ( @ARGV == 0 );

#my $logfile = "/var/log/qmail/smtpd/rejects/[EMAIL PROTECTED] /var/log/qmail/smtpd/rejects/current";
my $logfile = $ARGV[0];
my $string = $ARGV[1];
my $tai_cmd = "/usr/local/bin/tai64n2tai";
my $count = 0;

my $now = time;
my $before = $now-86400;

# Open a file like this
open( LOG, "cat $logfile|$tai_cmd|" ) or die "Cannot open '$logfile': $!\n";

while( <LOG> ) {
   my $line = $_;    # $_ contains the current line of LOG
   my $entrytime = substr($line,0,10);
   if ($entrytime <= $now && $entrytime >= $before) {
       ++$count if ( $line =~ m/$string/ );

print "$string\n$count\n";


with kind regards,
Met vriendelijke groet,

Maurice Lucas

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