Jenda Krynicky [JK], on Thursday, September 16, 2004 at 00:34 (+0200)
typed the following:

JK> You most probably want to store the data you want to fill into the
JK> template in a hash (some call it associative array, please don't):
JK>  my %data = (
JK>        foo =>> 'test',
JK>        bar =>> 'other'
JK>    );
JK>  my $string = "Here's [%foo%] and [%bar%] tests.";
JK>  $string =~ s/^\[%([^%]+)%\]$/$data{$1}/g;

Jenda, thanks a lot for solution. As many other wrote, it is good to
use hashes. So I'll try.

JK>      "Why it's stupid to `use a variable as a variable name'" by M-J.
JK> Dominus at

interesting reading.

Good night!


 ...m8s, cu l8r, Brano.

[Expect the quest to break your heart at least once.]

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