On 21 Sep 2004 13:03:21 -0000, Peter Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jp) writes:
> >The object of the code below is to output a list of space seperated fields
> >with PID, username and process. The code generates te correct output. My
> >guess is that my perl code can be smaller. Who dares?
> Don't care about smaller.  Care about clearer.  Sometimes the two
> go together.


> It is better design to have a subroutine that returns the
> values you want than to print them so close to having
> figured them out.  One day you may want to do something
> other than printing them and you would like to be able to
> use the same code.
> --
> Peter Scott
> http://www.perldebugged.com/
> *** NEW *** http://www.perlmedic.com/

Hi JP,

I implemented some of Peter's suggestions for you, including making
the meat of this code a subroutine for future use.

Here's the sub:
sub proclist {
        my %output;
        foreach my $line ( `tasklist /v /nh` ) {
                chomp( $line );
                $line ne "" or next;
                        # extract PID
                        my $pid = substr($line, 26, 6);
                        # remove leading spaces
                        $pid =~ s/^\s*//;

                        # extract username
                        my $user = substr($line, 88, 50);
                        # remove trailing spaces
                        $user =~ s/\s*$//;

                        # extract process
                        my $proc = substr($line, 0, 24).substr($line, 152, 72);
                        # change multiple spaces to single spaces
                        $proc =~ s/\s+/ /g;
                        # remove trailing N/A
                        $proc =~ s/N\/A\s*$//g;

                        # build the return hash
                        $output{$pid} = join( ':', $user, $proc );
        return %output;

And here's some code that uses that sub to produce the output you were
looking for:

# Object:
#  To output a tab separated list of PID, username and process
#  for windows XP
# Prerequisites:
#  1) ActiveState Perl
#  2) Windows XP

use warnings;
use strict;

# here is an example of using the sub 'proclist' to produce the output
# you described.  Notice that 
#   split(':', $proclisthash{$pid})
# will seperate the user info from the process info for you
my %plist = proclist();

foreach my $pid( keys %plist ) {
        my( $out_pid, $out_user, $out_proc ) = ( $pid, split( ':', $plist{$pid} ) );

        print "$out_pid\t$out_user\t$out_proc\n";


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