Jenda Krynicky [JK], on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 at 00:02 (+0200)
made these points:

>> $values = 10;        #how much values in result
JK> many (taky si to furt pletu)

:) thanks for correcting me.

JK> Assuming $values does not get bigger than the number of items in the
JK> list and $start is always <= the number of items in the list:

these conditions are of course ok.

JK>    @list = (@list, @list);
JK>    @result = (
JK>                @list[($start-$values/2-1) .. ($start-2)],
JK>                @list[($start) .. ($start+$values/2-1)]
JK>    );

very nice solution and easy to understand. Thanks a lot!
First line is the key :)

To others: sorry for my initial mail, maybe it was not clear,
$start is in real middle position, only Jenda understood :)

Thanks for all answers!


 ...m8s, cu l8r, Brano.

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