Well, I did try that with $ARGV[0], but to no avail. Yes, I had posted a POC. Here is 
the true code that would not print the file-name. What am I doing wrong?

perl -pe '$_ = "$ARGV[0] \t $_"' trace.txt

-----Original Message-----
From: Jose Alves de Castro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 12:40 PM
To: Arul, Rex
Subject: Re: Inline Edit -- File name

On Wed, 2004-09-22 at 15:24, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> How will I get the file name when I do an inline edit like this:
> perl -i.orig -pe '$_ = <filename> $_' filename

That won't compile, but I believe you're posting something like a proof
of concept rather then code...

If I get this correctly, you're looking for the $ARGV variable. Check

perldoc perlvar

> How would I get the file name in <filename>?
> Thanks,
> Rex
José Alves de Castro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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