> Hi all,
> I am a relative newbie and I need to write a small web server load tester.
> I know there are many tools out there, but I would like to write a simple
> script that can login to a webserver, connect to port (whatever port
> number i give it) and do a 'wget https://blah.blah.com :9091".
> While the first part is quite easy, ie writing a perl script to do a wget
> from the server, creating this as a daemon, running many processes
> simultaneously ie. I would like to run 200 to 300 processes, as each
> process would act like a session, stressing the webserver.
> The hard part is having the original perl script fork out processes. I've
> been reading up on fork and signals. does anybody have some suggestions on
> how i can do this?
> Thx,
> Radhika

I knew something similar had already been written, checking Google
turned up a very good candidate.


Of course if I were to reinvent this wheel, I would probably do it using
POE, http://poe.perl.org



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