> > One part of my job is to read one e-mail from Pop3 and do a forward of
> > that e-mail with SMTP to +- 1000 users, just changing the from and the
> > to.
> > 
> > There is something that can eseally do this?
> > How to do this?
> > 
> > Probably there is some modules that can do this work ease, but where
> > to start?
> To receive:
>       Mail::POP3Client or Net::POP3
> To send:
>       Net::SMTP, Mail::Sender, MIME::Lite, ...
> Since you just need to forward the email, Net::SMTP should be enough.
> You'll just need to replace the From and To headers (and maybe do 
> something more with the message headers) and then transfer the data.
> Jenda

Though it may be overkill, Mail::Box can achieve all steps of the
process with one module suite. Not to discredit the fine list above,
just another option...


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