On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 10:48, E.Horn wrote:
> Hallo!


> Stupid question, but i am a perlbeginner! :-(
> What is the difference between $_. and $_, ??

$_ is a variable (the context variable)
A single dot is the concatenation operator
A single comma is the list separator


$_. isn't really "something", but two different things: a variable and
 an operator... and that will only be valid if something else would
 follow (so that the operator could have something to work on). Example:

$_ . "\n"

That would result in the concatenation of $_ with a string containing
 the new line character, "\n".

$_, would be valid code, but it would probably serve no other purpose
 than the one of $_ by itself.

Was that helpful?

If not, give an example and we'll try to put some light on it :-)

> Regards

Best regards,


José Alves de Castro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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