
How do I best test for a valid host name? My script will read from a
file which contains IP addresses and/or dns name, so I'm trying to sort
out valid IP addresses or host name (using regex). For some reason, my
regex fails to match host names with one or more dash (-). IN the
example below, it fails to match "host-no.top-level" as a valid host
name. I modify the regex several times - but still don't get the right

my @hosts = qw( localhost another.host.domain
host-no.top-level my.host.domain.com);
foreach (@hosts){
    # Works ok
    push (@ips, $_ ) if $_ =~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1|3}/; 
    # Can't match "host-no.top-level". 
    push (@dns, $_) if $_ =~ /^\w+-?[\w+]?\.?[\w+.{1}]*\w+$/;



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