On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 22:24:11 -0500, Jon Mosco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone had some advice or pointers
> for perl and emacs.  I want to be able to run my
> programs in a window similar to the way you can
> with 'compile' mode with c.  If anyone has some
> tips or pointers, please let me know.
> Jon M.
> P.S.  I already know about eshell and the like.

an interesting idea- but there is one minor detail... is it that necessary?
i usually run with two terminals - one for editing and one for typing
'./foo.pl'.  Now, there might be an advantage to what you want- maybe
a GUI like stepping function.  Now /that/ would be neat :)    I'd love
to learn how to do that with vi.

on occasion i'd run with the perl debugger to step through the code,
but i can't for the life of me remember how to do that now... anyway,
i like the idea of seeing the script as a whole while testing it.


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