Dear all.
I am a new user of Perl with some experience in perl data extraction with
pattern matching, but never did anything with making graphy using perl.  I
need to draw a chromosome copy number graphy and p-values.  The data looks
are as follow:
SNP id   physical location       copy number     meta p-value   
SNP_A-1507380    120264678       1.207953        -20    
SNP_A-1507487    120319466       1.261954        -20    
SNP_A-1517022    120783585       0.957751        -20    
SNP_A-1511651    121478764       0.957812        -20    
SNP_A-1516818    122227549       2.004318        0.722914       
SNP_A-1516270    122257923       3.298868        0.967391       
SNP_A-1512747    122611515       1.419261        -14.5074       
SNP_A-1519155    123556896       0.740608        -14.5074       
SNP_A-1517539    124789024       1.202693        -14.5074       
SNP_A-1511157    124890914       1.222511        -14.5074       
The physical location should be the place where the p-value and copy number
should be along the vertical line.  The SNP id could be treated as
annotation.  I have some open source code available for drawing a chromosome
with cytobands writing in perl.  The final gool is to put this graph of copy
number beside the chromosome map,  which make me think that it will be
easier using perl to do draw this copy number map.  My questions to you is:
Is it possible to create graphy like this using perl?
The graphy in my mind should look like this and it will be better to use
histogram bar for meta p-values.
Thanks in advance,
Aiguo Li

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