Hi there,
          I have an AIX 5.1 machine and I wish to use
the  perl DBI and oracle DBD in this machine. I have
tried to install them by downloading DBI-1.45.tar and
DBD-Oracle-2.15.tar files from http://www.cpan.org/

So, I uncompressed the DBI-1.45.tar file and followed
the  README file instructions.
First, I runned the folowing command:
perl Makefile.PL

this created the Makefile
So, I tried to run the make command, but I got the
following error:

"        cc_r -c    -D_ALL_SOURCE -D_ANSI_C_SOURCE
-D_POSIX_SOURCE -qmaxmem=16384 -qnoansialias
-D_LARGE_FILES -qlonglong -O    -DVERSION=\"1.45\" 
/bin/sh: cc_r:  not found.
make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is

So, I changed the compiler from cc_r to cc, runned
make again and got this error message:

"        cc -c    -D_ALL_SOURCE -D_ANSI_C_SOURCE
-D_POSIX_SOURCE -qmaxmem=16384 -qnoansialias
-D_LARGE_FILES -qlonglong -O    -DVERSION=\"1.45\" 
line 610.16: 1506-007 (S) "struct drand48_data" is
line 717.16: 1506-007 (S) "struct random_data" is
make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is


Can somebody help me to get the job done?

thanks in advance,
                Pablo Salinas

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