
I was trying out some practice examples with DBI and CGI and kind of stuck while doing 
a comparison

That is if I  could insert successfully into a databse a script window shld come 
"Success". but when the insert fails 
a window shld come saying "Can;t insert "..

How will I track if the insertion is success or not? Below is the program...

use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
use DBI;
my $cgi = new CGI;
print $cgi->header( "text/html" );
print $cgi->start_html( "Welcome" );
my $dbh = 
or die "Cannot connect to testdb\n";

my $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into userinfo values('$fvalue','$lvalue','$email')");
       print $cgi->p( "<script language=Javascript> alert('Execution Done') </script>" 
       print $cgi->p("<Script language=Javascript> alert('Execution Not Done') 
</script>" );

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