
I am reading Object Oriented Perl pages 52 and 53 for setting up a module. 
 It is telling me in order to use a routine from a different file you have 

1) choose a lib directory
2) export PERL5LIB=.../.../.../
    use lib /usr/local/perl/
3) created nested subdirs for each component of the module name
4) create a text file in the last directory
5) Insert you code.
6) add 1; at then end of the perl program file.

NOTE:  is says in the footer that I can use h2xs to combine steps 3 and 4. 

My quesiton is can't I just use step 2 and then in my program where I want 
to use this code, make a routine call?
My goal is to set up a module for a routine that I can pass a data file 
to,  from a different file  so it can read this file in then execute.
an example would be :  &routine(datafile);

I then looked into Perl Cookbook ch 12_02 and it discussed :

In module file, place the following code. Fill in the ellipses as 
explained in the 
Discussion section.
package YourModule;
use strict;

use Exporter;
$VERSION = 1.00;              # Or higher
@ISA = qw(Exporter);

@EXPORT      = qw(...);       # Symbols to autoexport (:DEFAULT tag)
@EXPORT_OK   = qw(...);       # Symbols to export on request
%EXPORT_TAGS = (              # Define names for sets of symbols
    TAG1 => [...],
    TAG2 => [...],

# your code goes here

1;                            # this should be your last line 

Is one autoloader and self loader?  It seems to me I am getting 
conflicting info of just that I am not understanding?

thanks, derek

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