Dear Sirs,

I have the following code, that
take Hash of Hash as an iput.

Then I have function (see below) that takes
a hash and a variable as input.
This function will count the elements
of secondary hashes and delete the hash,
if it is below certain variable limit.

So with this :
my %new_hoh = reduce_hash(%hoh,3);

it should return

my %hoh = (
    key2 =>  {    A => 'foo',
                  B => 'bar',
                  C => 'qux'}, );

But my subroutine doesn't work as it should.
Is there anything wrong with it?

Yours again,

use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

my %hoh = (
    key1 =>   {   A => 'foo',
                  B => 'bar',},

    key2 =>  {    A => 'foo',
                  B => 'bar',
                  C => 'qux'},

      key3 =>  {    A => 'foo',}

my %new_hoh = reduce_hash(%hoh,3);
print Dumper \%new_hoh;

#---Subroutine that do the job-------
sub reduce_hash {
    my (%HoH,$limit) = @_;
    foreach my $k ( keys %HoH ) {
            my $count = 0;
            for my $k2 ( keys %{ $HoH{$k} } ) {
              if ($count < $limit){
              delete $HoH{$k};

   return %HoH;


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