>With this willing to treat everything as object you end up with
>Ugly code such as the following:

(code snipped to save space)

i found the Python script to be very readable- i am far more comfortable
with Perl syntax, but it worked for me.

I think there are two arguments which can be made here- both good.

1.      code syntax (limitation/flexibility/readability) - how languages
differ and language preference.

2.      Language strengths and weaknesses (outside of syntax).

My impression was that OO in Perl has historically been fraught with 
CPU overhead - this will change in Perl 6?  (argument number 2)

I like the functional() as apposed to the menthod.syntax() because i can
more easily visualise the path that data takes through the code.  makes
my life easier (argument number 1)

for me something like $new_s = change($s, $string); just works better
for me.  anyway, the advantages of encapsulation are easily produced in
functional() code with good coding practices.

of course, now we're talking about meta topics as apposed to particular
questions- but I think the argument is worth while.


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