> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> sub get_subdirectories{
>         # retrieves list of directories from passed directory
>         # returns directory list as an array
>         my $directory = shift;
>         open LS, "ls -l $directory|";
>         local $/ = undef;
>         my @dirs =  grep {s/^d.*?\s*?(\w*)$/$1/} split ( /\n/, <LS>);
> }
> my @results = get_subdirectories("/home/corenth");
> print @results;
> __END__

Try this, you don't need to shell out. It returns an array of

opendir LS, $directory or die "Can't opendir $directory: $!";
my @dirs = grep { -d $_ } readdir LS;
closedir LS;
return @dirs;

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