On Mon, 4 Oct 2004 18:33:51 -0300, Sprogis, Rubens (V-Emeritis)
> How can I do to concatenate 2 strings?

Glad you are trying Perl!  Welcome to the group!

Let me offer you some advice.  This mailing list works best when you
write some of your own code, try it, test it and debug it yourself. 
THEN, if you still have trouble, post you code to this list and we'll
help you.

If you send us no code, we can't tell where your problem is.

If you haven't written any code yet, keep in mind that we are NOT a
free, code-writing service.

Now, I am SURE you can find some answers to your problems on the net. 
I'll give you a hint.  Try this web site first:



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