Folker Naumann wrote:
Hi there!


I'm fairly new to Perl and need some help to acomplish a (simple?) task.

I extract strings from some logfiles, namely an ip-adress and bytes, by using regexes. I use a hash to store ip-adress and associated bytes.

Sounds like you have the hard part done :)

First i packed all logs in a temporary file but it was getting too big.

Instead of createing a new file that has each fuile in it (doubling the space and memeory used) process them one ata time:

my %ipbytes = ();

for my $file(@logfiles) {

open LOG, $file or die $1;
while(<LOG>) {
my ($ip,$bytes) = split /\:/, $_; # or however you get the ip and bytes from a line
$ipbytes{$ip} += $bytes; # may want top make sure $bytes is numeric to avoid possible errors
close LOG;

HTH :)

Lee.M - JupiterHost.Net

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