>       I have a Perl script I am running from an HTML page 
> that will save the output in a file called comments.txt.  Is 
> there anyway I can email this file everytime to an email 
> address that I provide.  This will be running on a Windows 
> platform.  Also, if you have better suggestions for what I am 
> trying to accomplish that would be appreciated.  I am trying 
> to create a contact form, which will show the input, and 
> email the contents to an email address, and show a successful 
> transmission, and a thank you message, then return to the 
> Home page.  Any help would be appreciated, here is what I have.

Are you simply trying to email this file everytime this script  is executed?
If so, there are a number of modules you can use in this script to do that:
MIME::Lite (great for sending attachments_

Simpley google for these and you should find plenty of examples. 
I have some example scripts as well I can send you if you like


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