> This is what I'm using to find the file.   .I still can't delete the
> file or replace it with the file I created.
> Help pls Thanx
> se strict;
> use File::Find;
> use CGI qw(:standard);
> my $query = param("Toetsss");
> undef $/;
> find( sub
> {
>  return if($_ =~ /^\./);
>  return unless($_ =~ /Toetsss.txt/i);
>  stat $File::Find::name;
>  return if -d;
>  return unless -r;
>  open(FILE, "< $File::Find::name") or return;  my $string = 
> <FILE>;  close (FILE);
>  print "$File::Find::name\n";
> },
> 'c:\Documents and Settings');

I don't seen anywhere in this script where you actually attempt to delete or
rename anything
Did I miss something? and why are you trying to open the file, if you are
just trying to delete or rename it? 

perldoc -f unlink
perldoc -f rename



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