Ajey Kulkarni wrote:
#snippet to replace all the ,, with ,NEW,
my($word) = "   Detail Design Activity Included         ,,,,    ,-1,0
,hello,ajey          ";

$word =~ s/\s+//g;
$word =~ s/,,/,NEW,/gc;

The /c modifier is redundant, which Perl would have told you if warnings had been enabled. :(

Please enable strictures and warnings, and have Perl help you prevent the basic mistakes!

printf "word=$word#\n";

Don't use printf() when it's not necessary. print() is sufficient.

after removing the blanks ,if there are any ",," i would like to
insert a NEW word there.

So my regex, does this but its doing it partially.

It's doing it exactly as you tell it to do it.

                                    ^^^  ^^^
These two are again not matched.

Do you want to insert NEW whereever there are two consecutive commas? In that case, a zero-width assertion might be what you want:

    $word =~ s/,(?=,)/,NEW/g;

Read about "extended patterns" in "perldoc perlre".

I know its greedy approach while matching patterns,but here
its missing something.

Greediness has nothing to do with it. (Greediness is explained in "perldoc perlre".)

Gunnar Hjalmarsson
Email: http://www.gunnar.cc/cgi-bin/contact.pl

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