Dave Kettmann wrote:
> Hi list, I'm trying to read a file and I cant see why it wont.. Here
> is a spot of code I used for debugging. It should print out the file
> (right?):  
> *snip*
> open MSTROCN, ">>/tmp/ocndir/master-ocn.txt";
        This opening file in append mode. Either remove the >> or have only < for read

Wags ;)
> while ( <MSTROCN> ) {
>     print "$_";
> }
> *snip*
> Eventually I want any existence of "NPA-NXX\tOcn " to be deleted out
> which should be done with a regex of: 
> s/NPA-NXX\tOcn //
> correct?
> I have looked thru tutorials on the web, and they say that $_ is the
> current line of the file in a while statement (or that is what I
> gathered) and It wont print out my file. Any help is appreciated.  
> Thanks,
> Dave Kettmann

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