On Thu, 21 Oct 2004, Charlene Gentle wrote:

> Thanks for the reply.  I have a perl script that does things but I 
> need to make it work on a html form.

 What "things" does your script do? 

Did you write it, or are you hoping that we will write it? 

Did you look at the documentation I referred you to? 
It has plenty of examples that do exactly what you ask.
> 1. User enters a word 
> 2. Word gets sent to the perl script
> 3. Perl script gets an answer
> 4. Perl returns answer to html
> 5. Html display answer under the typed in word (on the same page)


 1. You give an html form, either as plain html or as something
    that is generated by a script.

   a. This form has a field for a word.
   b. This form has an ACTION element pointing to your script.

 2. The user submits your form (& with it the word) to the script.

 3. The script reads the input (CGI.pm makes this pretty easy).

 4. The script uses the input to prepare a response *as* HTML.
    (This may be a subtle point -- you don't send the data to a
    html document, you produce html formatted text.

 5. The script prints the results back to the client (browser).

 6. The client receives the results and displays the result.

As I say, the online book I referred you to earlier explains all of this 
in some detail, including plenty of examples and sample code. Please 
look over this and other documentation and give it a try yourself.

Chris Devers

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