Hi all, 

I am just about to study about tie, and I've made a very simple test, but 
don't know what's wrong, would anyone please to point out ?

# Mask
package Mask;

sub TIEHANDLE { my $x; bless \$x; shift }
sub PRINT { $_ = $$_[0]; s/./*/g; print}

# main 
# usuw;
use Mask;

tie *STDOUT, 'Mask';
print "Hello"; # prints Hello
print STDOUT "Hello" ; #still prints Hello

Actually, I've tried to print @_ inside the block of sub PRINT, 
I can see that already prints nothing... but why ? Is that mean
the tie isn't success or what ?

Then I put a die "can't tie $!" after tie, it really dies, but $! have
nothing on it.

I do expect that I will have either with STDOUT or not will
results to print ***** . What's wrong here ? And how can I make
it done ?


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