This is a really cool problem. See solution below. Michael, next time post
some code please.


use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;

my(%gap, $animal);

while (<DATA>) {
  if (/>(\w+)/) {
    $animal = $1;
  } else {
    while (/(-+)/) {
      $gap{$animal}{ length $1 } += s/-+//;

print Dumper \%gap;


> > > bio-informatics is a big area in which Perl is involved...   there's
> > > a book from O'reilly on the subject...
> > If what you say is true, then maybe Mike needs to take his questions
> > to those list?  I mean, if the problem he's describing is common and
> > the data format he's using is common, I bet it's been solved already.
> >
> > Hey mike, have you searched on CPAN ( for this?
> >
> that might be fine- but his question is fundamentally Perl in nature-
> he may use the information for bio-informatics, but he is looking for
> an answer regarding effective Perl use when dealing with strings-
> that's classic Perl and a classic question for this list :)
> i wish i could answer his question right off the bat, but i can't :/
> awell...

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