> Dear all.
> I have a tab delimited file as follow:
> V     name    p
> 1.0   AAA     0.001
> 0.9   BBB     0.003
> 0.8   CCC     0.004
> .....
> I need to convert the file into following format:
> {     labels =
>       (
>               {v="1.0"; name = "AAA"; p = "0.001"; },
>               {v="0.9"; name = "BBB"; p = "0.003";},
>               {v="0.8"; name = "CCC"; p = "0.004";}
>       );
> }

Here is my little contribution. Im a newbie myself... I may not have
understood your question completely, but here is some code that writes to
a file in the format that you have described above.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use diagnostics;

#{v="1.0"; name = "AAA"; p = "0.001"; },
#{v="0.9"; name = "BBB"; p = "0.003";},
#{v="0.8"; name = "CCC"; p = "0.004";}

my $file = "data.txt";  #file read from
my $outfile = "data_out.txt"; #file to write to

my @header = ("v", "name", "p");

open(DATA, "<$file") or die "Cannot Open - $!\n";
open(OUT, ">$outfile") or die "$!\n";

print OUT "labels=\n";
print OUT "\(\n";
while ( <DATA> ) {              #while loop to read first line only

if( $_ =~ /(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)/ ) {

print OUT "\{$header[0]=\"$1\"\; ";
print OUT "$header[1]=\"$2\"\; ";
print OUT "$header[2]=\"$3\"\; \}\n";

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