M. Ilyas Hassan wrote:
#1 - Is there a way to add "days" to a date? I want end_date=start_date+90days; where start_date is in the format
10/25/04; the output end_date should be in the same format as well. I
was not successful loading the Date::Calc module from CSPAN on
ActivePerl 5 (Revision 5, version 6, Subrevision 1, - 5.006001). Can
some suggest some input.

The standard module Time::Local and the core function localtime() should be sufficient. The solution at


may give you some ideas.

#2 - How could I find the minimum value from table with say
80columns. The numbers are stored in columns across (from column 2 to
column 6). The output from the input table should retrieve the
minimum value for each unique item in column 0. Does Perl have
aggregate function to get minimum/average and other statistical
values? How should the array/hash be structured.

I pass that one. But I think you need to provide some sample data, and a serious attempt to solve the problem.

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