I used this solution 

if(/([a-z0-9\t ]*)>([a-z0-9\t ]*)/gi) {
    $string1 = $1;
    $string2 = $2;

Quoting Robert Citek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Saturday, Oct 30, 2004, at 20:52 US/Central, John W. Krahn wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> I have to match patterns of the format
> >> string1>string2
> >> where the strings 1 & 2 can contain alphabets,numbers and spaces.
> The
> >> string are separated by '>' sign. I wrote the following code for
> this.
> >> if(/([a-z]*[A-Z]*[0-9]*[\s]*)>([a-z]*[A-Z]*[\s]*[0-9]*)/g) {
> >>     $string1 = $1;
> >>     $string2 = $2;
> >> }
> >> This picks up only the first character in string 2 whereas I want
> >> everything till the end of the $_ to be in the string. $_ is 
> >> terminated
> >> by \n.
> >> I cannot understand what I am missing in the regular expression.
> >
> >
> > my ( $string1, $string2 ) = 
> > /^([[:alnum:][:blank:]]*)>([[:alnum:][:blank:]]*)$/
> How married are you to using a regular expression?  An alternative
> may 
> be to use split:
> my ($string1, $string2) = split(">", $_, 2) ;
> For example:
> $ perl -e '
>    $_ = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]>def456&*(" ;
>    my ($string1, $string2) = split(">", $_, 2) ;
>    print "$string1, $string2\n" ;
> '
> If you still want to use the RegEx, you may be able to lighten up the
> restrictions on the characters in the RegEx:
> $ perl -e '
>    $_ = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]>def456&*(" ;
>    m/(.*)>(.*)/ ;
>    print "$1, $2\n" ;
> '
> Is that close to what you were trying to do?  In any case, let the
> list 
> know what the final solution looks like.
> Regards,
> - Robert
> -- 
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