Ron Smith wrote:
Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
You multi-posted basically the same question to comp.lang.perl.misc
(see below). Any comments on that, Ron?

Pardon me Gunnar, etal,

I'm new and thought that the 'comp.lang.perl.misc' post was entirely
separate from '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', reaching an entirely different

I admit that the document I pointed to is only talking about newsgroups, while this is a mailing list. Nevertheless, this list and clpmisc are forums with similar purposes, and they both support the Perl community, so the banning of multi-posting applies (at least IMO).

Even if there are a few persons that follow both, that's not the main
point. The main point is to ensure that prospective helpers know about
the help provided by others, so they don't unnecessarily put efforts on
things that have been resolved.

I eanestly appologize to everyone on both lists. My bad!! I have
spanked my own hand with a digital ruler. I'll do my best not to let
that occur again.

I'm new, and some of the things I learn come the hard way. Again, my
sincere appologies folks.

I'll be reading the 'crospost' page to get the rules.

Great, thanks for understanding!

Is there anything other than that, that I can do to straighten things

As a matter of fact, there is: Your quoting style. When replying to a message, it's common practice to quote as much of the message you are replying to that is needed to give context, but it's almost never motivated to quote the whole message. Also, your comments should preferrably be typed *below* the quoted part(s).

End of lesson. :)

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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