I would like to create a site that does nothing but forward requests to a
destination site, say mydest.com. This is for nothing illicit, I am simply
trying to circumvent a firewall's list of banned sites.

For instance, if I were to go to http://www.mysite.com, it would send a
request to GET http://www.mydest.com, download to mysite.com all text and
images to display a copy of mydest.com, then return to the client an image
of the mydest.com page from mysite.com. Everything must appear to come from

I imagine I might use LWP::UserAgent for GETting, POSTing, and mirroring;
and HTML::Parser, HTML::SimpleLinkExtor, or HTML::LinkExtor for processing
links. I know nothing about CGI, mod_perl, or Apache but am willing to
learn. I am probably forgetting to mention security, encryption, caching,
and cookies. I usually use Window$ XP but also have RedHat 9 installed.

First, are there any modules that already do this? Why reinvent the box?
("Reinvent the wheel" is so trite.) Second, any pointers would be helpful.
Of course, I have espoused that perl.beginners is a self-help group;
therefore, I am not expecting any lines of code whatsoever. Just looking for
advice, pointers, suggestions, caveats, watch-out-fors and general
information. Should be a fun exercise!


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