Charles K. Clarkson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [snip]
> : : foreach my $method ( keys %InheritableClassData ) {
> : :     no strict 'refs';
> : :     *$method = sub {
> : :         shift;
> : :         $InheritableClassData{$_} = shift if @_;
> : :         return $InheritableClassData{$_};
> : :     };
> : : }
> [snip]

Perhaps it's just me, but I find the following approach to be clearer
for generating accessors:

use strict;
use warnings;

package test;

our %InheritableClassData;
for my $aa (qw/aa bb cc/) {
  eval qq(
    sub $aa {
      \$InheritableClassData{$aa} = shift if [EMAIL PROTECTED];
      return \$InheritableClassData{$aa};

package main;
print "$_\n" for %{*test::};

Michael Kraus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : Should I be using "my" or "our" here for the variables - these
> : are the variables I want present in all my derived classes and
> : should be the same for all.

I assume you're referring to things like %InheritableClassData... You
should be using "our" variables; "my" variables won't be visible from
outside the class in which they're declared.


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