
On Wed, 2004-11-24 at 23:10, FlashMX wrote:
> To be able to do a grep on a file via a perl script do you have to read the 
> whole file in before performing the search and replace? I've been hearing 
> that reading the whole file in takes up 
> memory and if multiple users are running the script then you better have alot 
> of swap and memory.
> Is this correct?

Yes and No...  You can read a whole file in and perform changes, and
then write out the differences to the same filename...

This may or may not take up much memory... a 23K file is only 23K after
all... it all depends on your averages...

> If this is the case how else could I do a grep to do a search and replace 
> without using all the resources?

You can also read a file in a line at a time, perform the search and
replace on each line, and write the output to a new file... then at the
end replace the old file with the new one...


open (INFILE, "< $filename");
open (OUTFILE, "> $filename.$$");
for my $line (<INFILE>) {
        $line =~ s/old/new/gi;
        print OUTFILE $line;



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