On Wed, 24 Nov 2004, Todd Lewis wrote:

> If your [unspecified object, possibly "script"] [is] writing 
> something[comma] I think you can output your die statement into a "log 
> file" using print [logfile] "Whatever message you want\n". You can 
> also at certain points in your program output information on the 
> status of your program. It helps in debugging your program.
> If it is a long[ ]running process you can always open the logfile and 
> see where you are.

Right, but none of this explains where "log()" came from. 

It may be a method provided by some module he's using; it may be legacy 
code that he's maintaining; it may be nothing at all. We don't know.

But yeah, if starting from scratch, the outline above will help.

Chris Devers

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